Each day, I grow in Spirit, unfolding like a complex rose.
e live in man’s time and in
God’s time. In God’s time, the rose has always been; it is both simple bud and fully-opened flower in all its glorious
complexity. In man’s time, the rose is a process from bud to fully-opened flower. It takes time to unfold. In God’s time, we are
both the young soul and the soul with spiritual nature fully expressed in Christ consciousness. In man’s time, we are where we are
right now, and our development takes lifetimes.
Let us be open to our growth and our full unfoldment. Let us seek out opportunities to learn and grow and find Truth,
wherever it may reside. Let us find ourselves as we are in God’s time.
I Peter 2:2, “And become like newborn babes, and long for the word as for pure and
spiritual milk, that you may grow to salvation by it,”