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I go forth with joy and peace. A peaceful world starts within me.

he world around us often seems chaotic. There are days when the news is enraging. People in the news justify their actions because someone has done something to someone like them in the past. They focus on resentment, and take it out on innocents. Each of these incidents makes the news.

Let us not participate in the cycles of resentment. Each day, we can choose the gods we will serve. Will it be the gods of the news? Or will it be the Lord of our beings? We can choose to be joyful and peaceful. It is not ignoring news, but understanding what drives the news. Let us focus on Truth and be a joyful, peaceful presence amidst the chaos.

Isaiah 55:12, “For you shall go forth with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”


Website last updated 02 APR 2023
Copyright © 2012-2021 by Charles L. Weatherford. All rights reserved.