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Potential I am created in the image and likeness of God; my potential is infinite. e are children of the Most High, created in the image and likeness of God. Our potential is only limited by our own thoughts and imaginations. It is time for us to aspire higher. It is time for us to open all the channels to divine ideas within us. It is time to gently weed limiting thoughts from our minds, and replant this fertile ground with seeds that will bear bushel after bushel of fruit. Creativity is in every cell of our bodies. Our potentials are infinite. Our capacities for good and for good ideas are infinite. We are what we have built until today, and we shall build better for tomorrow with the thoughts we give strength to today. Psalm 139:16, “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and upon thy books all these things were written, even before day was and man was brought into existence.” 7/7/2016 | |