With God, all things come together for me.
ynchronicity is the experience of events as
meaningfully related, even though they are not causally related. Maybe someone we don’t know recommends a book or show,
only to be followed by other incidents over a period of time that draw us to that same cultural property. Perhaps we encounter several events
that combine to both push us toward and pull us into a new direction. Sometimes those pushes get us out of our comfortable ruts and force us
to change, to move towards the better in our lives, even though it is painful at the time. Paying heed to life’s synchronicities can allow
us to move more securely into our future, to slide into change rather than merely weathering it.
Genesis 50:20, “But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it for
good, to do as he does this day, to save many lives”