Walk in Grace
I follow the light of Spirit and walk in grace.
n the pathways of spiritual growth,
we will at some point come to a divergence from earlier practice. Where we had avoided doing things because we might be punished, we learn
to follow the spiritual path because it has inherent rewards. We are no longer the child who has to be told, “Don’t do that,
because it will hurt you.” We are not the rebellious teen who says, “I’ll do as I please!” Instead, we become the
adult in charge of our fate, our spiritual growth, and our souls.
We follow the light of Spirit. We walk in grace. We act from a generous heart and a clear mind. Our thoughts and
feelings unite in surpassing compliance to reach transcendence.
Romans 6:14, “Sin shall not have dominion over you; for you are no longer under the
law, but under grace.”